Christmas Drama

We had great fun last week in our 3rd to 6th class bubble putting together a drama based on some well known fairytale characters who are very unhappy with the story lines given to them by the Brothers Grimm. Firstly, we visit Rapunzel who is demanding a haircut. Next we are introduced to a unhappy Snow White who wants a new life away from the Seven Dwarfs, who are in turn looking for a career change. All is not well with Cinderella, Prince Charming and the Ugly Sisters either. Cinderella wants to become a rugby player, the sisters are demanding a make over and Prince Charming has dreams of becoming a rapper in L.A. Meanwhile, Little Red Riding Hood wants to be the next Conor McGregor, while the Big Bad Wolf just wants to rule the forest again. All ends with a court appearance for the Brothers Grimm, with our characters demanding a rewrite. The story is narrated by our Magic Mirrors. 

Well done to all the children who went to great lengths learning lines, sorting costumes and bringing the fairytale characters to life, all in the space of just one week. A special thanks to Ms Kenny and the other staff members who helped in organising the drama and ensuring that it was all completed in a fun and safe manner. It was a great way to end Term 1 and provided much excitement in the school before our Christmas break. 

A recording was taken of  the drama to allow all our classes watch their schoolmates perform. This was sent to parents of 3rd to 6th classes. If any other parent would like to see it, please contact the school and we can arrange for it to be sent out. 

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