Astroturf Development

Over the last number of months we, the Board of Management, have been working on the possibility of developing
an all weather astroturf facility on our school grounds. We are pleased to announce that we now plan to proceed with this development.

Why We Feel This Project is Needed

  • Lack of Yard Space - due to recent school development yard space is extremely tight
  • School Field – Only can be used when weather is favorable (May – June, and Sept – Oct), fantastic facility which lays idle for much of the school year
  • Sport and Exercise –Sporting activities are weather dependent and can only be played during the autumn
    and summer terms – a very small window
  • Community- No facility in the community that caters for sport and exercise activities throughout the year


  • Help get our children active – encourage a lifelong enjoyment of being fit and active
  • The associated mental health benefits for our children with increased exercise
  • Allows the school to facilitate physical activities for children throughout the school year
  • After school sports club can take place throughout the year
  • Safer environment for children to play on – less cuts, bruises and accidents
  • Increased space for children to enjoy – hugely important for any school going child
  • Great facility for children with additional needs to take active breaks and it will provide a safe, fun environment
    for outdoor practical activities
  • Available for community use – social soccer, local clubs and sporting groups, fitness classes, birthday parties, summer camps etc.
  • Will provide the school with a small source of rental income that can be reinvested into other worthwhile school projects


  • Phase 1: Laying of 1125m2 of all weather turf area, perimeter fencing and ball netting with all associated preparatory works
  • Phase 2: The School has applied for Sports Capital Grant funding to potentially extend the astroturf, and provide lights and a ball wall. This is a very competitive process and not all projects will receive funding. Results of the competition won't be known for a number of months