School Tours 2023

On Friday last, the 16th of June there was huge excitement as the day finally arrived for us to head on our School Tour. Junior Infants to First Class got on the bus and headed off to Tearaways Activity Centre in Rathcabbin. We had an amazing day from start to finish. It was full of slides, climbing, a pet farm, a huge outdoor playground, train rides, a yummy lunch and even some delicious ice-cream to cool us down. Second to Sixth Class got on their bus and had a longer journey as they travelled to Dublin. First, was a very enjoyable tour of Croke Park where we got to see inside the dressing rooms, learned lots of history and facts, followed by a tour of the stadium itself. We then moved on to Liffey Valley where we went to JumpZone. This was full of trampolines and it was so much fun! We even got to Supermac's on the way home. We cannot wait for next year already. 


